A sütik segítségével igyekszünk a legjobb vásárlási élményt biztosítani, minden, ezzel járó előnnyel együtt. Ezek közé tartoznak például a a személyre szabott hirdetések és akciók, valamint a preferenciák mentése. Ha ezzel nincsenek fenntartásaid, kérjük, egyszerűen csak add meg beleegyezésed a sütik preferenciákat, statisztikákat és marketinget érintő használatára a „Rendben!” gombra kattintva. (összes mutatása). A jóváhagyásodat bármikor visszavonhatod a sütik beállításainál (itt).
Megjegyzés: Mivel szeretnénk megakadályozni, hogy az értékelések szóbeszéden, hiányos ismereteken alapuljanak, vagy rejtett reklámok legyenek, csak valós ügyfeleink számára tesszük lehetővé értékelések írását, akik valóban tőlünk vásárolták meg a terméket.
A bejelentkezést követően az ügyfélközpontban, a "Termékek értékelése" menüpont alatt megtalálsz minden terméket, amelyet lehetőséged van értékelni.
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The Perfect Tool for Any Drummer Who Sings Backing Vocals
Schengis 24.06.2019
I've been singing backing for years behind the kit and I can tell you how awful it is trying to work a standard mic stand into position around your playing space. It's a nightmare. Try going an entire set without hitting your mic and/or stand with your sticks and/or head because you can't position it correctly. This product changed ALL of that.
I swear these things are a best kept secret in the industry. I have introduced so many drummers to this on the road, it's unbelieveable. I decided to go with the XL version because I wanted the extra length in order to be able to hang my mic over my head from behind me on stage. So far it's survived close to 100 shows and it still looks and works the same as it did right out of the box. I bend and unbend this thing several times every week and it always continues to hold the shape that I put it in without fail, all while supporting the weight of a Shure sm58.
This product obviously has many other practical applications, but it is an absolutely god-send to a drummer who does vocals.
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They should add goosenecks to Swiss knifes
Bazzmatazz 14.03.2022
until now no Cons!
great quality, versatile, doesn't bother my work flow at all until now!
with a clip like the mkv 87 you can easily use these to do overhead miking without needing mic stands... awesome for those crowded smaller gigs where space is precious. Once we wanted to overhead the drums at a small bar and had no place for a mic stand. the drumset was located right under one of the PA speakers in the house... so we took a clip (mkv 87) and connected it to the gooseneck and it was long and flexible enough to have a mic on it and use it as overheads.
its one of those things once you understand its purpose you feel enlightened. All of those here that are self sufficient musicians doing their tech or technicians should embrace goosenecks.
be well, cheers
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moossmann 07.04.2022
This is a really fantastic product for a 'singing drummer'. It attaches to a traditional mic stand (as tall as it can go) and then booms down over the drummers head. It's really fantastic and can be pushed away or grabbed as required. Highly recommended product!
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Handy as f***
Paul592 05.09.2021
I would wager most musicians would have a use for something like this, as well as the associated table clamp. Keeps the floor tidy no mic stands perfect for podcasting/streaming purposes too