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Artec Parametric EQ


Professional Parametric Equalizer

Artec is THE Korean pickup specialist for acoustic guitars and solid bodies The team around mastermind Byoung-Yul Lim has been in the last two years very busy developing an independent range of analogue pedals and combo amplifiers. The result is excellent and it does not need to shy away from international comparison. Published test reports in professional journals make a clear statement on the quality.

Again and again, effects makers are trying a Parametric EQ, but somehow guitarists (...are we too stupid?) can't seem to get their heads around the devices. There is no more effective sound processing if you really want to change your sound specifically. It's not that hard. Raise the frequency with the gain control and turn the freq knob until you find what's annoying you. Now lower this frequency until it does not annoy anymore and use the width control to tailor how wide the cut should be. This can be simply decided by ear. It is even easier if you want to boost something; e.g. nice mids for the lead sound. Also here: raise, pick out frequency and determine width. And use the level control so that the EQ sound is about the same volume as the unprocessed one. Or turn up the level and heat up the amp when wanting to conjure a lead sound from a single channel amp.

The Artec Parametric EQ can do it all for very little money.

  • Controls: FREQ / WIDTH / GAIN / LEVEL
  • True Bypass
  • Power supply: 9-volt battery or power supply (both optionally available)
  • Heavy zinc die-cast housing
  • Dimensions (W x D x H): 75.5 x 116 x 49 mm
  • Weight: 340 grams
Myynnissä vuodesta Helmikuu 2008
Tuotenumero 205416
Myyntierä 1 kappaletta
38 €
Sis. ALV. Ei sisällä 5,90 € rahtikulua

Tuotetta on varastossa ja se voidaan lähettää heti.

Tietoa lähetyksestä
Arvioitu toimituspäivä Perjantai, 25.10. - Maanantai, 28.10.

188 Asiakkaiden arviot

4 / 5

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126 Arvostelut

Ihan ok
Modern Vintage Drummer 23.03.2018
Olen toistaiseksi käyttänyt leikkaamaan yläpään kihinää ja kielten vinkumista otteita vaihtaessa. Tähän hommaan toimii aivan mainiosti. Samalla kitarasoundissa korostuu alapää kun ulosmenevää tasoa voimistaa.
Käsitykseni mukaan eqvalisoinnissa muutenkin tulisi pikemminkin leikata kuin korostaa. Leikkaamalla ei-toivottuja taajuuksia voi kokonaisvolaa nostaa vahvistimesta.
Boosterina en tätä muuten käyttäisi, lähinnä soundin muokkaukseen.
Raportoi ongelmasta

Raportoi ongelmasta

Ihan ok
Tuntematon 10.02.2017
Piti tätä boosterina sooloihin käyttää, mutta ei toiminu siihen. Jäi jotenkin latteaksi, tai sitten en vain löytänyt oikeita asetuksia.

Bassotaajuksia ei ainakaan voi boostata, menee heti sutuksi, ennemin leikkaa yläpäästä ja nostaa volumea, jos bassoa haluaa lisää tällä.

Potikat liian pienet ja saisi tuo taajuusaluekin näkyä mistä hertsistä mihinkin ja mitä on keski kohdassa arvo.

Samaa latteaa ääntä tarjoaa tämä kuin muutkin kokeilemani Artecin tuotokset.

Kotelo ja rakenne hintasekseen jämäkkä.
Raportoi ongelmasta

Raportoi ongelmasta

google translate gb
Valitettavasti tapahtui virhe. Ole hyvä ja yritä uudelleen.
Excellent little tool
TonyOsax 19.05.2017
I have been trying to set up my looper to play backing tracks through a Mackie SRM 350 pa speaker to get enough volume to practice my sax. The volume is fine but the speaker is ridiculously bass heavy and unusable at home.

I have tried taming the bass with a small Behringer mixer which helps a bit, but it's not hitting the right frequencies and it's a cumbersome solution. I had thought about a graphic eq pedal but had doubts that it would be effective because of my experiences with the Behringer. Then I discovered the Artec Parametric EQ and decided to take a risk with it because of its potential ability to target the frequencies I want to control.

It works! It does exactly what I need and is very effective. It's very simple to operate - you can set a boost or cut and then turn the frequency knob until you hit the offending frequency. Then you can alter the Q setting to adjust the range of frequencies you want to modify.

The build quality is good, at least for what I need. I do agree with other reviewers that having tiny frequency and q control knobs with an even tinier black on black centre point marker is a very poor design. It was ok at home where I could hold it up to a bright light to see, but using it live to adjust the tone would be a challenge to say the least.

The sound quality is good and I didn't detect any noise or impairment of the signal going to the speaker. It works well with the supplied battery it is a much tidier solution than a mixer with an external power supply. I don't know what the battery life is yet.

So, in summary, for my very specific requirement it is an excellent solution and the Artec is a fraction of the price of other parametric eq pedals.
Raportoi ongelmasta

Raportoi ongelmasta

google translate gb
Valitettavasti tapahtui virhe. Ole hyvä ja yritä uudelleen.
Wanna try Para-eq at a low cost? Try this out.
Troy Derden LoqoMotiV 15.09.2024
Cheap and pretty decent pedal.
Gain and Q-factor are a bit difficult to read (They won't be knocked/turned easily into another position, but I like to have a fast visual in case somewhere, something in the fx chain went wrong and you have to sort it out quickly.)
It is a bit noisy on the higher settings and a little wide (especially with side mounted jacks).
I find the Artec pedal to have nice ergonomics overall but the bottom is one of the most difficult pedals to get some velcro onto (ribbed anti skate plate and battery compartiment).
The range of the controls is fine, but I would have liked the overall level to be able to deliver a couple of dB more.
Overall, this is a fine pedal if you are wondering if parametric eq-ing is something you can benefit from, and you want to try it out.
It sure did for me when I wanted to make some solo's pop out, by either boosting the mid's/highs, or by cutting low freqs and raising the overall level. It also works to drive a freq dependent overdrive harder/softer without an overall volume drop or boost.
BTW, buy 2 and put them after and before your (buffer independant) fuzz and be surprised what a single fuzz pedal is capable of, without having to buy tons of them (like I did).
Raportoi ongelmasta

Raportoi ongelmasta