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Great slide, good fit
imreych 22.06.2020
A slide is supposed to be very simple; but this one has a couple of things that sets it apart from others. First, the finger rest on the side: it is indeed very useful and adds to stability as it allows you to support the slide, especially if you use slide in conjunction with normal playing. Second, the knuckle cutaway allows you to bend your finger without much resistance. Beware of your ring size and note that you may prefer to use this on another finger than the usual one due to its particularity. So, be prepared to order several sizes...
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Great slide
Raawr 13.05.2020
Honestly it is basicly the perfect slide, the notch on the side helps locate it, and the indentation for the finger makes it more comfortable. My complaint is that they do not make it a size smaller for those of us with not-so-big fingers.
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Bit pricey, but really good
rznrg 20.01.2023
It has a nice tone to it, the snappy one that you expect from a brass slide. I think for slides the fit really depends on your fingers. You have to find the right width. For me this one is perfect fit. Although there some features that makes a slide more likely to be comfortable which this one has.
1. the cutaway on the lower side - this allows you to comfortably bend your finger, while holding it
2. the side cutaway - it helps you to stabilize the slide, as you can rest the neighbouring finger in that place, giving a more tight grip
3. the smoothened rim - it is really nice that it is rounded down so it doesn't cut you finger
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très ergonomique
Avec sa découpe en biais il est ergonomique et permet de modifier l'angle de la main par rapport au manche et donc aux cordes.
En plus il est bien lourd et permet un son bien rond.
J'adore et je recommande pour ceux qui veulent s'initier au slide....