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Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
Fantastic slide
Honest Bear 15.01.2021
Fantastic slide that will fit nicely on your little finger that covers first joint of your finger so you can still move your finger. It has just enough amount of weight and it isn't too heavy. Rounded top wont stuck on your string. Great product!
Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
a bit too small and overpriced
Boyan Hristov 30.07.2023
for a piece of brass this is pretty expensive, but it comes attached with the name of one of today's hot slide guitarists, so there's that. I wanted to try it so I did buy it along with the Joey Landreth one. I found both a tad too short and tight - I have big hands, but my fingers are by no means fat. Maybe these guys have smaller hands. I like the idea of the cutout but I have to use it on the wrong side to compensate for the shortness of the slide. As far as tone - any brass slide of similar thickness will sound exactly the same.
Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
You get what you expect.
Brusart 07.04.2021
There is not much to comment about this product, quality is great.
Because Ariel Posen uses it on his little finger keep in mind the size is not as large as most slides are. For an 'average' 'male-size' little finger it works just great.
I'm a novice on slide and bought several slides before on search for the perfect fit. Ariel constantly uses this in combination with his fingers and even for a novice this seems to work well. Just needs a lot more practice though haha.
The 'ball tip end' seems to help me to slide across the neck without getting scratchy noises from other strings. This is helpful if you're going up and down the strings in a vertically direction.
Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
Love it!
Oriison 24.08.2023
Wont make you sound like Ariel but will open up some new opportunities in your playing you didn't expect. Takes a while to get used to but once you've got it you'll love it. Build quality and finish is great as expected