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EQ Acoustics Classic Wedge 60 Tile grey

96 Asiakkaiden arviot

4.7 / 5

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48 Arvostelut

EQ Acoustics Classic Wedge 60 Tile grey
99 €
Sis. ALV. Ei sisällä 5,90 € rahtikulua
Saatavilla 3-4 viikon sisällä
Saatavilla 3-4 viikon sisällä

Tuotetta saatavilla pian varastoon ja lähetykseen.

Tietoa lähetyksestä
Defenitely worth the money
DiezelPower 17.11.2019
We have a practice room of about 50m2 with the ceiling height at about 4m. Previously, we had quite a lot of carpets on the floors, on the walls etc., with all kinds of DIY-low budget soundproofing and basstraps. The only thing that was left untouched was the ceiling. In comes the EQ Acoustics tiles...

For our space of about 50m2, we got 3 packs (3x8=24) of tiles and 3 tubes of glue. So combined area covered by the tiles would be something around 14m2.

We used the t.akustik adhesive to fix the tiles to the ceiling. Mounting was rather easy. First, some measuring and marking with a pencil. Then, setting the tiles to the ceiling. It took only a minute or so for the tile to secure against the ceiling (painted concrete) with two of us holding the tile in place. When the job was done, it was time to do some testing.

We turned our amps and PA somewhat louder than usual to really test how much of a difference those 24 tiles above our heads would do, and instantly the difference was very obvious. The definition between instruments and especially vocals was much better. As our band plays heavy metal (vocals, 2 guitars, bass, drums), things tend to get loud, especially with drums. With the improved definition, the vocalist was much happier as he could hear himself much better even when overall volume was louder than usual. The bottom line was: "why did we not install the acoustic tiles to the ceiling years ago?!"

All in all, definitely worth the money. The space did not go "dead" but the overall sound became much more defined and pleasing even on high volume.
Raportoi ongelmasta

Raportoi ongelmasta

Affordable and effective
Sorwis 10.04.2017
I purchased two sets of these EQ Acoustics Classic Wedge tile absorbers to reduce my in room reverberation time. They are the second cheapest option I know after used egg cartons but much, much more effective and a lot prettier to look at too.

Packaging was as minimal and compact as you could possibly get. The tiles were wedged on top of each other to fill a cardboard box exactly. There was one piece of paper explaining what they are and nothing else. This was all that is needed, too. Some leftover foam pieces from what I can only think of being the result of cutting in the factory was between and on top of the tiles. It's a good idea to keep your vacuum cleaner ready when you open and install these the first place.

My room had a lot of uncovered straight wall surfaces where barely any sound gets absorbed. This caused even normal speech to have audible levels of echoing that was easily picked up by a microphone when doing voice overs or VOIP. It also detrimentally effected on how music through loudspeakers sounded in this space. I wanted a removable and effective solution to fix this and after a short research and basic understanding on sound absorption, I chose to pick up these tiles. I used the EQ Acoustics Flexi Fit to install these on my walls and wrote a separate review for them on their product page.

Once in place these do exactly what they are supposed to: reduce reverberation time dependent on the wedge size and the position and total surface covered by these panels in a room. The result was instantly audible in all sounds. Speech has a dry tone, hand clapping sounds like a 'thump' rather than a sharp shimmering slap and music, especially the stereo image, was much more clearly defined and made me want to turn the volume up higher. This is the sort of improvement which makes it hard to go back to untreated rooms even if they are normal living quarters. The difference is clear enough that an untrained ear will pick up the dryness in sound immediately. Compared to an average room the shorter reverb time is a very welcome and pleasing effect. I also conducted some measurements with the help of Room EQ Wizard software which confirmed my observations

All in all, highly recommended. These wedges are an excellent way to do some simple acoustic treatment to reduce reverberation time within a select frequency band. Cheap and effective and to my eyes more visually pleasing than a plain wall. If you have the freedom to install a lot of these, do your research on where and how much to use them. A way to measure the results takes the guesswork out for added peace of mind and enjoyment of the sound.
Raportoi ongelmasta

Raportoi ongelmasta

aksuu 20.09.2021
I used only 6 of these to soundproof my flats apartment room. I also used 3 of the small ones "EQ Acoustics Classic Wedge 30" and that pretty much did it. Only minus with these is that they are hard to get keep o nthe wall. I'm still testing a way to keep them on the wall and so far they have dropped couple of times so I still need to come with a good way to hang them. I would give 5/5, but since they are hard to keep on the wall since I haven't found good way yet I only give 4/5.
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Raportoi ongelmasta

Super toimivia
imaschi 25.02.2017
Hoitavat hommansa ja ovat juuri passelin kokoisia / hyvää materiaalia!

Pysyvät myös seinässä vahvalla kaksipuoleisella teipillä jos joku sitä mietti! (Vaatii tasaisen seinän toimiakseen)
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Raportoi ongelmasta

EQ Acoustics Classic Wedge 60 Tile grey