The size of this pedal is large enough for "Big Foot's feet"! Therefore, making it easy to work with in terms of foot positioning! And, the pedal is designed to place at the beginning of your guitar signal chain; whether directly from your guitar or directly from an output signal source such as from your amp (if your amp is equipped with an output jack [such as a headphone jack]). The constructive metal material and non-slip grip of the pedal is designed to make this pedal comfortable and last a long time. It's also, equipped with: a) a side jack to connect directly to a tuner, if you wish, b) an expression jack to connect to an amp, synthesizer, or any other kind of equipment designed to alter your instrument's "voice", if you wish, and c) a min-max control knob to set your parameters toe-up to toe-down providing you with a comfortable parameter with which to work within. The movement of the pedal (toe-up to toe-down and vise versa) is smooth, also depending on how you set the min-max control knob. Simply put, the more toe-down you place on the pedal, the stronger your guitar's signal strength through your chain to such receivers as a pedal board. This pedal is very user-friendly and intuitive to use once you become accustomed to setting the min-max control knob to your desire. Chances are, if you purchase and make a sincere effort to initially work with this pedal (which is easy and quite effective), you will not be disappointed and so eager to return the pedal back to it's supplier!