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Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
Good strings
Lorcan C. 26.01.2021
I usually play Dominant Thomastik Medium (GDA) with a Warchal (Amber 701L) loop end E string. I thought I'd try these out after seeing them recommended on YouTube.
The high quality and tone are exactly what one expects from Thomastik strings, however, I find these strings sound a little more brilliant than suggested on the Thomastik guide*. Maybe that's just me.
Strings are such a personal taste, and I recommend any young player to explore different strings. You will not regret trying these. I really like them but as a personal preference I'll probably return to the Dominant.**
*Update - It was just me! One month on and these strings have settled in beautifully. I'm going to stick with them as my go to set of strings.
**Still love the Dominant Strings but the Infeld set are just a fraction smoother/ sweeter.
Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
Easy to play and easy to add expression
JosepS 17.12.2017
I used the PI for a while and i not like them very much. The sound is well defined. Projection is good. Sound is not too soft. I think the most interesting point is the durability and longevity of the string. In the end they were very easy to play and are easy to add expression.