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Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
Well padded, a little large
Robert281 19.09.2014
Had this bag for a while now and I use it to house and transport my Harley Benton acoustic bass. I am always confident when I am carrying this bass that it is well protected from inpact and so I don't have to worry too much.
The zips on the case are good and it has good sized pockets in which carry leads and sheets and stuff. The only thing that concerns me is that the case is quite large and my bass does not fill it as I would have liked. Therefore it feels when I am carrying it by the handle that it is hanging in the case a little. On the shoulder straps it is very stable, although it is very high and so you do have to be careful of banging the head on doors.
Overall, a good bag, which offers very good value for money. I would buy it again.
Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
Ok for the money
Paul3456 01.10.2014
Out of all of the Thomann products I've bought this one is the one I'm least pleased with. Whilst the case is generally reasonably well made with good handles and spacious pocket space, it is very baggy and doesn't fit my bass very well at all, neither width nor length wise. Because of the bagginess, the bass falls around inside the case and it doesn't feel very secure or well protected; though the bag padding is ok . Before buying check the size of your bass against the case dimensions. Otherwise the case offers fair value for money, though I probably wouldn't buy the product again unless my bass was very large.