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Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
A very good cable for an unbeatable price!!
Rob H.B 26.04.2018
Got some of these cables to use in a theatre space and wow for the price that they are its for sure worth a buy.
The quality of the cable and the connecter is great too!
For the price these are brilliant cables and its worth buying a few more then you need because is handy to have spares and it hardly costs a dime!!
Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
Ideal for lively venues and live use
Anonymní 07.01.2015
Whilst we sport a number of different cables at the small venue we run, I have found this series to be the best option for the rowdier shows. I have yet to have any noticeable issues with crackle or noise from the cable and they hold up very well to daily use. Where they have been key is in that the reasonable price tag means that when disaster strikes - and with as many busy punk rock shows as we have it often does - a broken cable is not a financial blow.
Though there are certainly higher end cables with stronger reputations, if an accident happens any cable is going to break. Thankfully replacing these ones is not an expensive prospect.
For their price tag they have proven to be a very sound investment and work best when utilised in the right situations.