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Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
Good lightweight but a few small flaws
Anonymní 01.02.2016
I wanted another Sonor 100 snare stand but I cannot find these anywhere. I needed a lightweight but solid snare stand for a tom and already use the Sonor 100 on my jazz kit. These are single braced and very lightweight but sturdy too. The 2000 is still single braced but despite the higher model number I think it's a little inferior to the discontinued model...
The hinge for angle adjustment is just a hinge, it's pretty stiff to move but that's needed to keep it stable. The 100 has a tooth style tilter and is very solid. The stand also feels pretty bulky compared to the 100. I really bought these for the single braced and lightweight factor.
It's not a big issue and I like the product, I just find it odd that Sonor have done away with such a great and efficient stand/range in the 100 series.
I think that finding good quality lightweight hardware that is not excessively expensive is quite hard these days.
Still a decent stand for the price.
Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
Leicht und praktisch
Anonymní 25.01.2016
Ich habe nach einem leichten Snareständer gesucht um das hin- und her tragen bei Auftritten etwas zu erleichtern. Nach längerem Suchen habe ich mich für diesen Snareständer entschieden Er ist durchaus stabil genug um Auftritte zu überstehen und dabei angenehm leicht. Auch der Preis bleibt im schmerzfreien Rahmen.