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Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
Good Starter Kit
Anonymní 24.03.2017
First set of Harmonicas I ever bought some years ago, and I was quite happy with them. They had a good sound for something so cheap, and lasted me a good while considering their quality and price.
They did their job well, as I learnt the different playing techniques on them with little trouble.
They even lasted me long enough to play live, before I decided to get some new higher quality ones.
One or two did eventually go out of tune and another did get damaged along the way - but this is only natural with a starter kit and may have been my own negligence in caring for them. Who knows? With the right care they might have lasted even longer.
Would certainly recommend these to anyone looking to start out harmonica.
Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
Very helpful set
jorgemosquerad 30.12.2020
I've been playing blues harp for a few years now, but i always had D and C tones. To know and play with different tones without spending too much money is what this set is put together for. The case is even better than I thought it' be. The sound of the harps is actually not cheap at all. I gave it a shot and I'm satisfied.
Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
Not too shabby
Michael S. 639 11.06.2013
For the price an excellent investment for anyone looking to get started with harmonicas and doesn't want to drop a load of cash. The sound and quality meet all expectations I had.
The fancier country blues ones (the Hohners with a wooden center) do sound better, but a single once costs about half the price of this set. FYI to anyone who only needs one!