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My expectations come true
Anonymní 22.01.2016
Two days ago I bought this book together with guitar. Guess what? It's my very first guitar and my very first note book, I never played before and I manage to figure out how to play a first composition (all half and quarter notes) .... fourth composition is also for total beginner like me (I'm 44).Second (quarter and quavers) and third (just quarter notes) composition are more complex but when I finish with 1st & 4th I'll be able to play this other two and so on in the future and when I reach the last page of the book everyone will want to be my friend, lol...
So what I wanted to say is that this book is excellent even for beginner like me and it will help me to develop my skill and its also good for advance player. About beauty of compositions I don't know what to say because my focus is on learning how to play but I'm sure that in between of 100 composition there is something for everyone. I definitely recommend this book