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Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
Really rather good
Anonymní 11.02.2017
Feedback for "Fender Factory Shop Cloth"
The approximate size is 16 inches x 16 inches and the approximately weight is 60g.
I did wonder if there could be much difference between cleaning and polishing cloths and if it was worth paying more for this cloth but now I have tried several different cloths and I can say that this is actually much better than the other cloths I have used.
I have found that some of the cloths I have tried are fine with guitars that have hard modern polyurethane paint like the modern USA and MIM Fender guitars but the same cloth can be too abrasive for softer nitrocellulose lacquer finished vintage instruments or Gibsons and higher end Fenders but this Fender cloth is very gentle for even the finest finishes.
The best thing is that it is also one of the cheaper cleaning and polishing cloths.
The cloth is made from "microfibre" material which is quite soft and absorbent.
Other cloths I have tried leave a lot of lint / dust on the instruments but the Fender cloth doesn't do this and removes fingerprints and dust leaving a clean surface with minimum wiping.
I spilled a container of lemon oil and used the cloth to mop it up, I thought it would be ruined but put it in the washing machine and it was restored to its original condition.
A very good value cloth in my experience.
Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
Fender Factory Shop Cloth
Anonymní 03.10.2016
So I was sceptical that there could be much difference between cleaning and polishing cloths however I have tried several different cloths and I think this is actually much better than the other cloths I have used.
I found that some of the cloths I have used are ok with guitars that have hard poly paint like modern US and Mexican Fenders standards but these cloths can actually create small scratches and swirl marks on softer nitro finished instruments like vintage guitars, Gibsons and some of the more expensive Fenders but this Fender cloth is great on even the most delicate finishes.
Good news is that it's one of the cheaper cleaning and polishing cloths you can buy.
The cloth is "microfibre" material which is quite "fluffy" but does not leave lint deposits on the guitar.
Other cloths like the Gibson Standard Polish Cloth, (which is pretty much just a "yellow duster" with a logo) tend to leave lint all over the instruments and especially the strings, while this type of cloth is a little bit cheaper the Fender cloth is much better and in my opinion well worth paying a little extra for.
They can be washed and wash well in a regular washing machine so they should last a long time.
The approximate size is 40 cm x 40 cm and it weighs approximately 60g.
Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
The One Cloth You'll Ever Need
paniccoffee 11.02.2019
I use it for cleaning and polishing and just everyday dusting for guitars.
+Reasonably priced
+Can be used for general dusting and also deep cleaning/polishing (with cleaners sold separately)
+Material is soft and absorbent, assuring it won't scratch your instrument
+Washable so it can be reused
-Must be laundered quite regularly (a week or two, depending on the frequency of use and dust build up in your environment or instrument) to ensure full effectiveness