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My go-to strings
blndr 30.08.2020
I've used them on my 6-string for some years and they are great. I play in tunings from E standard to drop C (which makes the 6-th string a little floppy but still playable). The wound 3-rd string is something I can't live without.
Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
Edward4387 21.11.2015
I have long been a fan and user of Daddario guitar strings-but never trying a set with a wound"G" string,mainly because I like to introduce bends and vibrato into my playing therefore always using a plain 3rd string.The results?-brilliant.! I have found over many,many years of playing that there is a tendency for me to press a little to hard on the 3rd string thereby causing tuning problems but the wound string seems to suit me perfectly.In addition they are really great strings and although they produce a bright sound there is a warmth of tone to them which when used with the neck pick-up really sounds quite mellow-what more can I say,other than they are true Daddario strings!.