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Skinny 994 Multiples Panel has v-trigger to s-trigger Potential
Alvino 25.07.2020
There are currently Behringer System 55 modules (attenuator panel and mixer) which have “multiples” and one or two in the Behringer System 100 line. However this little module was very useful for a pair of v-trigger to s-trigger convertors... with triple s-trigger outputs.
I’m not usually into voiding warrantees but made an exception here. I turned my 994 Into a v-trigger to triple s-trigger convertor needed for up to three 911 envelope generators. You can make this mod on one or both multiples as needed. Essentially you use the same v to s trigger circuit commonly available in any google search, although I did ignore the BJT version circuit in favor of an nFET solution (2N7000) rather than the BJT. I did this because an nFET pulls tighter to ground. One single trace cut on the 994 is required and then the rest of the mod solders to the back. Gate goes to v-trigger input through a 100-ohm resistor. Source goes directly to ground. Drain goes to triple s-trigger output... To make the s-trigger more reliable I installed a 1k pullup on the s-trigger outputs and got 12V from the eurorack bus; yes the pullup on the outputs was required in my case...or I get random triggering. This whole mod using a 994 takes a fraction of the space of a 961, but is a single purpose.
The BJT v to s trigger circuit you see online only works some of the time. It requires the strong 1k pullup described here. If you examine the s trigger input on Moog’s 911 schematic, the reason becomes apparent. Behringer copied the 911 in many details.
Great product and easy to work with. Well build and great price.
Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
zorfbub 29.11.2021
does exactly what it's supposed to, cheap and easy solution for gates and other cv.
only fault it's would be even better if it was smaller, but i just have it hanging outside my case as it's a passive module