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A very high quality and great sounding bridge
Anonim 24.01.2017
I bought this bridge to put in a very cheap Harley Benton bass (in which I also put Seymour Duncan Quarter Pounders). While I had to get the bridge set into the bass (basically space had to be carved out of the bass to fit the bridge) it was very much worth it.
The resonance this bridge offers is incredible. The sustain offered by having the bridge set in the bass makes it hold notes like a bass worth far more than my Harley Benton, (which cost ¤130)
This bridge is also very easy to set up. The system is very clever as setting intonation is simple, and string spacing can be very easily adjusted.
Finally this bridge looks phenomenal, and I'm happy to say that I actually own a licensed Warwick product haha!
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Good bridge
WhydoIneedANickname22 07.08.2019
This is a great bridge that allows for full 3d string adjustment, however, I missed the fact that this bridge is really... "tall"?
In order to install it (and its tailpiece), I had to route cavities into my body for the pieces to actually be at an appropriate height. So if you're not afraid of doing some routing (or letting someone else do it), then get this great bridge.
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Not so gold
FunkyCss 29.04.2024
I thought those are gold, but they look not so shiny, for that price range I would wait something better from warwick. I have already installed them otherwise I would choose to return them back.
I wanted to change my original black bridge to gold, if you consider to do the same - think twice.
I bought also some tuners to match but the tuners was amazing quality and gold color - this bridge will not match and as I notice will wear easily in time.