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Balanced sound but a bit flimsy
Paul592 29.08.2021
These sound surprisingly good for such cheap earphones. I used them to monitor myself playing guitar while shooting video and they work well. Not very strong in the low end unfortunately, but the mids and highs are there.
The pair I got one of the buds fell apart on me and I had to superglue it, then after a while the same one just stopped working.
For the price they make good monitor earphones but longevity could be a problem
Din păcate a intervenit o eroare. Vă rugăm încercați din nou mai târziu.
Satisfied. Good for that price.
Christer K 17.04.2024
They do not cancell the outside noice that much.
And they are not the most flexible or comfortable to wear over time.
But, i did not expect too much for this price either.
They have held up so far, and sound-wise i am positively suprised, considering they are so cheap.