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If you need a good European made machine head set, these will do quite nicely!
S & K 13.10.2020
I came into possession of a 70's (pre-year dating) Aria concert guitar which was in decent enough shape but extremely filthy.
The machine heads were slightly rusted and instead of trying to save them, I opted to replace them altogether.
I decided on Rubner since I value European craftsmanship and they did not disappoint: I got these tuners for a very considerate price but the quality feels top notch.
I needed to drill some different holes but it was easily taken care of.
They've been holding the strings in tune quite nicely (as much as you can expect from a 45 year old guitar which probably hadn't seen daylight in decades!) and they turn pleasantly.
They also look pretty nice without being too bombastic in my opinion.
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Superb value for money.
Ian4417 25.09.2015
I bought these tuning machines because they came as a standard fitment on my Hanika P56 and I loved their classic look, without fancy engraving and embellishment; and they are beautifully smooth and precise, as you would expect from Rubner. I fitted them to replace the worn tuning machines on my 1974 Esperanza 700 and they have transformed the look of the instrument, not mention the tuning.