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Good But for a particular style of player
brendrum 14.01.2020
These are very good quality and easy to but on. i found these to be good if was playing with more of a tight grip for rock and heavy music.
I usually play with a loose grip so when i was using these i found i couldnt do the more intricate playing i would normally do, it sticks to the palm, too much. they can be reused on other drumsticks. for the price give them ago theyre worth it.
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Best thing since sliced bread
Dutch Drummmer 11.04.2022
Looking for something to fix my problem for losing my sticks too many times, and tired and even painful hands, I tried these wraps.
And: it's great!
It took me half an hour to get used to the wraps (more or less).
The balance of the stick changes somewhat, and it's a bit more difficult to play some subtle parts, but overall the wraps are just very good.
Also: these wraps are very durable (in any case more durable than I could imagine).
The only downside is: the wraps leave some dark residue on your fingers (luckily we have invented soap).
Finally: don't cover too much of your sticks because the wrap interferes with your rim-shots!