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Lindell Audio 7X-500


500 FET Style Compressor and Limiter

  • Parallel compression with crossfade control
  • High pass sidechain filter
  • 3 Step Switched Attack Times
  • 3 Step Switched Release Times
  • 3 Step Switched High Pass Sidechain Filter: Off, 100 Hz, 300 Hz, 3 Step Switched Ratio 4:1, 12:1, 100:1 (all in)
  • True Hardware Bypass
  • Balanced transformer output
  • -LED gain reduction meter
  • Construction: API Series 500 Format
disponibil din Octombrie 2013
numărul articolului 320526
unitate de vânzare 1 bucată(ăţi)
Pre-Amp No
48 V Phantom power No
compressor Yes
limiter Yes
equalizer No
De-Esser No
other processors No
Rack/Frame No
supplies No
1.768 lei
toate prețurile includ TVA
în stoc
în stoc

Acest produs e disponibil în stoc și poate fi expediat imediat.

Informații despre livrare
Livrare gratuită așteptată între Joi, 24.10. și Vineri, 25.10.

10 Evaluările clienților

4.3 / 5

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5 Recenzii

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Great 1176 clone!
Anonim 22.09.2014
My second favorite 500 series compressor is the Lindell Audio 7X-500 FET compressor. It's straight forward to use and has a nice tone to it. I really appreciate the presence of the MIX knob. Really useful when tracking to control the subtleness of the compressor. The ratios are fixed but with the mix knob it's great to "over compress" the signal but then take away a little wetness to preserve the original transients. Build quality is 5/5 and the unit also looks really neat. There is also a bypass button so it's easy to compare the result with the original by doing a quick A/B test. At this price the 7X-500 is really a no-brainer for the friends of the classic 1176 sound. If it was double the price like most 500 series compressors are then I would probably question some of it's features and the lack thereof. But with this price tag it's a winner!
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Good quality compressor for the money
Anonim 03.08.2014
This is a very nice compressor, is very easy to use and sounds very good. Only annoying thing for me is the ratios are 4:1, 12:1 and 100:1 which is a little too drastic for what I use it for and usually just use 4:1, but that is only a very small complaint I have, it rarely ever bothers me. The build quality from the time I have had it is very good, a solid piece, nothing has fallen off yet! (Always a good sign). I don't really have much to compare it with so I can't say it sounds better/worse than anything else but I would certainly recommend it!
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Bello, aggressivo e colorato
Anonim 27.12.2015
Il compressore è chiaramente ispirato al classico 1176, anche se non vuole essere un'emulazione.

I controlli sono pochi ma permettono di ottenere molte sonorità diverse. Attacco e rilascio sono a scatto fisso (slow, medium, fast) così come il rapporto di compressione (ratio).

È un compressore piuttosto aggressivo che tende a impartire una caratteristica evidente al suono, ma grazie alla manopola "mix" è possibile smorzare l'effetto di compressione miscelando il segnale compresso a quello non compresso.

Il modulo è ben costruito e bello da vedere, le manopole sono di plastica ma molto solide e precise. Il meter non sembra precisissimo ma con strumenti di questo tipo bisogna lavorare soprattutto a orecchio.

Personalmente lo uso molto spesso sui rullanti di genere rock, con attacco lento e rilascio veloce, per dare più aggressività e "botta".

Unico neo: le scritte bianche sulla base di metallo chiara risultano poco leggibili e quando devi richiamare in fretta un impostazione non è il massimo.
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Toller FET-Kompressor
Change 22.06.2021
Ich benutze den 7x-500 vor allem auf Vocals und Akustikgitarre, um bei der Aufnahme starke Pegelspitzen im Zaun zu halten.
Das macht der Kompressor sehr gut und verleiht dem Signal einen geschmeidigen, charaktervollen Sound.
Ein super Feature ist auch die DRY/WET-Funktion, eignet sich bestens für Parallelkompression, auch auf der Summe
Habe mittlerweile schon 2 davon im Rack und die sind fast im täglichen Einsatz. Das Mixen und Recorden macht einfach Spaß damit.
Die Verarbeitung ist top und lässt er sich ohne Probleme in den 500er-Slot einbauen (in meinem Fall das Midas Legend L10).
Für den günstigen Preis bekommt man ein tolles Gerät, dass viel Sound macht! Klare Kaufempfehlung!
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