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John1956 28.12.2018
Now have the pleasure of owning the 4 Koshi chimes. Ignis now adds a balance between the 4 Koshi Chimes and alongside the Aqua, Aria and Tetris I have found that it takes meditation and therapies to a more subtle but deeper altered state. I use the chimes in Sound baths, Sound Therapy sessions alongside Gongs and crystal singing bowls and they all complement each other while raising and then lowering the vibrations. Highly recommend the Ignis Koshi chimes to existing sound practitioners as part of their collection of instruments or even for anyone simply to listen to. Ideal size and weight for storage , transportation or even just hanging somewhere sheltered but breezy. Wether purchasing Ignis on its own or alongside the other three Koshi chimes adds quite an element to your sound bath, therapy session and as the chimes can also be played by hand makes them an even more of an asset to the practitioner or owner.
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Skatz 09.02.2020
I bought the whole set of four of these to use in a sensory show for people with special needs. The show is about the four seasons - each of these chimes' notes suits a season brilliantly. Aqua for Spring, Ignis for Summer, Aria for Autumn, and Terra for Winter. The quality of the sound is beautiful, clear and precise. I have based the music for each season on the chords they produce. They inspired me to produce more complex chords to accompany them. My wife is a meditation teacher and she wants a set of these too now. We both love them.