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Great for clean tones
Massi91 03.09.2019
-Awesome on clean guitar
-Huge variety of sounds you can create
-Stereo and send/return works great
-Bypass switch not soft (please use soft switches!)
-The "dry" sound passes through the it is affected by pedal EQ. On distorted sounds (Overdrive/Fuzz) I have experienced a loss of trebles (sounds darker). Thomann audio demos are close to the real effect on distorted sounds.
Personal advice, after couple moths:
I'm running it in parallel (with the "tri parallel mixer")...will work great also on distorted sounds
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Dazzer 19.03.2020
I must say i'm really disappointed with this pedal. I think the sound of the pedal is really bad. The user interface is horrible. Many tiny knobs & switches, all crammed together. I just think they tried to cram too many features into it, rather than just nailing some really good sounds. Just MHO. Maybe i should mention i only tried using it on a Fender Rhodes, perhaps for guitar its great, i have no idea.