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good stand but cheap rack screws with no nylon washers
MWIVI 17.05.2018
great product.
Arrives unassembled in a medium size box that fits to every car. Easy to put together. Light (for what it is) and stable and easy to drag around in the studio in it's good quality wheels. No nylon washers for the rack screws, that was a unexpected for this prize.
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Not good enough K+M
Anonim 28.10.2022
Purchased this expensive trolley rack because I have always enjoyed K+M's commitment to quality. I have bought a lot of K+M gear and always been delighted with what I received.
Sadly insufficient packaging inside this box resulted in this unit arriving with a severely bent rack rail making it unusable. Judging by the inside of the cardboard box the contents has been moving around. If K+M had spent a little more properly protecting the contents then this wouldn't have happened. Why should I pay top dollar when the packaging is a race to the bottom?