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Good enough.
The LX Sound 02.11.2018
We bought these for our studio. There's not a lot of "cheap" options when it comes to quadratic diffusers that are not birch-colored, so we bought these happily.
Build quality is not bad, but the coloring has some flaws (1-2cm each) that are a bit noticeable. They also feel a bit fragile, so you should make sure you're putting them up safely.
That's not why I'm giving them three stars. The worse part was actually the complete lack of paperwork. I mean, there wasn't even a single sheet in sight thanking you or explaining how or where you should position them. NOTHING.
Just buy them if you've made your acoustic planning and you know exactly what you're looking for.
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Super sound diffusion
Anonim 26.05.2016
Thanks alot to Thomann DE, products arrived in very short time to istanbul!!!
Hofa is one of my favorite diffusor! it works really good!!!!
Makes the sound stage feel better ! ! !
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Die Fliege fliegt
LudwigOS 05.04.2022
Das Pferd pferdet, die Schnecke schneckt, der Diffusor diffusert (wenn man herausfindet, wo man ihn gescheit positioniert). So einfach isses. Gute Verarbeitung.