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Good quality and affordable
Small Shed Luthier 17.01.2022
These were used to replace the ones in a Licensed Floyd Rose made in asia ( from a Maison ).
They fitted well, gave a good grip and I suspect that you will wear off any Allen key before you do it to the screws. They seem very solid.
Mine came without the knurled effect ( is for grip, using other tools ) in the screw heads, but to me that would be just an aesthetic thing rather than an issue, I actually like them more with a smoother look.
Din păcate a intervenit o eroare. Vă rugăm încercați din nou mai târziu.
Very good! Fits both Ibanez and Floyd Rose systems!
Catalin Cornea of Order 66 03.05.2020
I bought these to replace the overused Clamp Screws on both my Dean Dime-O-Flame and my Ibanez RG 370DX and they fit perfectly. The price is great and the build quality is also highly respectable.
Best price and quality I found for the notoriously easy to break Clamp Screws that also fit both Ibanez and Floyd Rose systems!