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NoOne2 14.02.2023
The quality is great
The sound is amazing. (Which you would expect from a celestion greenback)
The size is nice.
I went with greenback becouse i don't like how muffled creambacks sound. Some like that bassier sound but this is for me the best blend of vintage v30 (which are relatively bright with lots of presence) and creamback (dark and muffled sound with almost no presence)
Overall, i recomend the product, top quality. If there was some other brand making exact same cabs, they would go for at least double the price.
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Solid box for the price
Anonim 25.04.2023
I had to return first one as it was not level with the ground (wiggling). Replacement one is much better. Sound wise I like it a lot and overall quality seems to be decent for its price. I have the Celestion Greenback version and it produces nice vintage sound with my LP Studio. Description says it should be made in UK, but there is no such statement on the label. To sum it up, very good quality and sound for the price.