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Poor quality control
Jørgen 06.11.2020
After reading tons of positive reviews of the 2019/2020 production I decided to buy my first Gibson Les Paul. The first impression when opening the case was very good. Beautiful finish and lovely details.
The disappointment first came when I plugged in the guitar. The volume/tone for bridge and neck were wired in reverse mode. What is normally controlling the bridge pickup was controlling the neck pickup and vice versa. This is not a huge problem but still enough to irritate you a bit. The most disappointing thing with the guitar was the fretwork. The 6th, 12th and all frets above the 15th fret were uneven. Having the price of a Gibson in mind you would think the quality control would be better - sadly that is not always the case. Even the guitar tech that helped me fixing this thought it was a shame that Gibson sends guitars like these from their factory.
However, after some extra money spent and hours fixing these issues, it now plays like a dream.
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The Goldtop Dream !
Seeka 16.03.2022
When you think of a Les Paul you immediately think of a Goldtop !
For the 50's version I think Gibson did really great jobs in term of quality, finishing, details, sound and vintage specs and look... the list goes on and on. It's really worth the money and it gives you the real Gibson feeling while playing it as it a "Standard" version and not a Custom Shop.
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corinne33 29.04.2021
superbe guitare , son typique (c'est à dire d'enfer..) .Finissions sans (mauvaise) surprise ,pour un instrument de cette classe.Merci Gibson d'avoir pensé aux gauchers.