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from Ace Frehley to Neko Case
nuferom 25.07.2017
The lightning bolt design has been popular and has remained a mainstay since the 1970s.
Double-ply leather ends (on both ends) are a step up from all the cheap straps widely available. Putting these thick pieces over the buttons proved a bit tricky, though, and could confuse a newbie (I would imagine this is also true for the other Fender-branded straps in this price range). I simply unscrewed the buttons to do that, and so far the result has been secure enough not to require even putting washers over the holes (simple metal washers being my approach to strap locking) the leather ends are tight enough as it is.
This strap comes close enough to my favourite straps (homemade ones from car seatbelts), but not quite there yet.
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Best quality in the nylon strap range
GarryMc 27.08.2019
Although the body of this strap is made of nylon, the ends are made of leather which vastly increase the quality of it compared to 100% nylon straps. The tight leather ends makes it feel solidly connected to your guitar and you should have no worries about it unbuttoning during use. It feels very light also compared to completely leather straps which might suit some users also.