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Home Studio Acoustic Room Treatment
Michael2542 04.08.2014
I recently decided that my small Home Studio deserved an upgrade.
Having finally accepted that I wasnt getting anywhere in the " Me Against This Room War" a makeover of acoustic treatment might see me get the upperhand!
I was right. Having done some indept research online I figured I knew what I needed. The Auralex package consisting of everything needed for a small studio acoustic treatment arrived and as I placed the various around my room I could actually hear the room become more and more dead as I placed the piece's up.
Placement was easy as the kit included a simple guide, and Glue!
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Auralex Acoustics Roominators Alpha DST Kit
MrRascal 11.11.2013
Like most DJs and Producers I practice and produce at home and I needed to be able to create in an environment where I can hear everything I need clearly and precisely ! I looked around for quite a long time before deciding to commit to buying this kit as it is a lot of money to spend. This is a big kit and I wanted to fill a second room for my home studio I already bought one of the smaller kits and that was great but this room was a bigger so needed more tiles. very much like all the kits it is down to you to decided how to put the tiles into patterns and I followed a similar to pattern to the one I used previously. I found the corner bass traps work excellently as I am a Drum and bass DJ and producer I wanted to make sure I wasn't losing any energy in the room and these work very effectively. The quality of the tiles is very good and they make the room look really professional, I did also paint the room underneath the tiles to match the colour which is a kind of charcoal grey. My studio now looks like a futuristic professional studio and I am so happy with the results. If you have a large room and want it kitted out I suggest you by this pack you will not regret it !