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Aulos 533B Symphony Bass Recorder


Bass Recorder

  • Series "Symphony"
  • Baroque fingering
  • Curved wind tunnel
  • 4x keys
  • Colour: Mouthjoint, upper and lower rim and ivory colour bell
  • Lead pipe
  • Double hole
  • Body dark brown
  • 3 Parts
  • Bag (included)
disponibil din Ianuarie 2008
numărul articolului 200804
unitate de vânzare 1 bucată(ăţi)
Material Plastic
Colour Dark Brown
Double Holes Yes
Keys Yes
B-Stock disponibil 2.290 lei din
2.699 lei
Toate prețurile includ TVA
în stoc
în stoc

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Informații despre livrare
Livrare gratuită așteptată între Miercuri, 12.03. și Joi, 13.03.

16 Evaluările clienților

4.5 / 5

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12 Recenzii

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Great recorder, highly reccommended!
Gunnar Grímsson 20.09.2021
It's a wonderful instrument, sounds very good (see below for my useage), very responsive, light in weight and requires absolutely no maintenance. I wish all my instruments were like that!

I've had one of these instruments on loan for a very long time, close to 20 years but wanted to get my own. After considering getting a wood recorder I read up on the issue and found that in the lower register recorders it hardly matters at all to the sound whether it's wood or plastic. And the plastic lasts 'forever' whereas the wood will not, far from it.

So I got me a new one which is 99% the same as the old one (different thumbguard) and it feels exactly the same and I will be very surprised if it doesn't last longer than I will :)

Disclaimer: I'm an experimental improviser so I don't play conventionally. In fact, most of the time I sing while playing to generate more than one 'pitch' at the same time as well as heavily processing the output of the recorder. I never use the top mouthpiece (white thing with the tube) but blow directly into the top dark brown piece, the 'sound hole'. Just so you know :)
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Not for beginners...
Augustus_56 01.04.2020
First and foremost, this recorder needs a little bit of experience with other recorders, i.e. alto o far better, tenor. People with little hands may have serious problems with this recorder. This being said, the flute is a good one: well balanced, not too heavy, with good intonation. When playing, the keys make a click when used, but I have noticed the same problem in bass recorder far expensive. Don't forget to allow to dry the recorder after played.
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Ein großartiges Instrument!
m91 07.12.2012
Ich bin total von der Aulos 533B "Symphony" Bass Recorder begeistert. Sie klingt in allen Registern sehr warm und hat einen wirklich vollen Sound. Die Verarbeitung der Mechanik der Klappen ist hervorragend und führt somit zu keinen störenden Nebengeräuschen beim spielen. Allein das Design ist absolut umwerfend.
Ich kann diese Bassblockflöte jedem weiter empfehlen, der ein gut klingendes Instrument braucht und in einem Ensemble mit einem richtigen Hingucker (mit tollen Sound!!!!) auftreten möchte.
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son chaleureux - instrument un peu lourd
Marie-Anne D. 03.09.2016
+:1. très beau son du grave à l'aigu. 2.Modèle qui permet de souffler dans le serpent ou directement. 3.Prix.
- : trop lourde sur le pouce, mais c'est la rançon des clés en métal (et non en plastique), plus solides. Inutile, selon mon expérience: dans cette gamme les clefs plastique suffisent.
NB: la flûte à bec basse quelle qu'elle soit est un engin avec lequel il est difficile de trouver la position de confort: assis ou debout, avec ou sans serpent, de face ou coincé dans les mollets ou de côté, le machin autour du cou sert-il ou pas,etc. Perso je trouve mieux ma position main droite (moins tordue) avec le modèle coudé, mais par ailleurs je préfère souffler directement, c'est un enchantement, il semble qu'on engendre le son directement de soi. La bonne posture est venue en quelques jours. Pas de Mystère: c'est toujours ce couple infernal annulaire-majeur droits qui fuitent...
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