This guitar gets a lot of reviews with the qualification "for the price". A price this low makes it hard to criticise a guitar, so my points will be ignoring that fact. Also, this review is written after owning and playing for 2 days.. I played it in rehearsal hours after receiving it with no changes made except tuning; it held up fine !
Bad points: pickguard not perfectly cut, output jack nut was loose, bridge saddles rattle, tuners are too sensitive, nut was obviously set up, but cut debris was still on there. On the fretboard there is a weird spot that would not make it through QC in most factories.. but it works. No huge complaints.
Good points: came out of the box almost in tune (!), set up well (although with very light strings), plays well, body and neck really well finished, sounds great. Very nice looking woodwork, good fretwork all over the neck.
I had a Graphtech nut and a roller bridge lying around and installed them, intonated the guitar with 0.11 strings and adjusted the tremolo spring. It is a great guitar so far. May replace some other hardware along the way, but will take it out to play tomorrow. If you're willing to do a bit of work, you'll get a good guitar out of this; either as a starter or an advanced player that wants an extra fun guitar.