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Yanagisawa YANY BooStar Yana/Selmer UL


Replacement Screw for Neck

  • Suitable for Yanagisawa and Selmer saxophones
  • Produces moderate resistance and a voluminous sound throughout the whole register
  • In addition to the basic "screw A", adding a "screw B" or "screw C" (which have different weights) allows for 3 types of adjustment
  • This produces different tones, dependent on playing style or music genre
  • Unvarnished
In catalogo dal Ottobre 2019
Numero di articolo 471996
Unità incluse 1 Pezzo
Instrument Saxophone
€ 65
IVA inclusa,€ 5,90 di costi di spedizione aggiuntivi

Questo prodotto è disponibile e può essere spedito immediatamente.

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20 Valutazioni dei clienti

4.4 / 5

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14 Recensioni

ste.debeni 11.04.2023
Quando ho acquistato questo prodotto ero un po' scettico ma mi sono subito ricreduto. Il suono risulta molto più centrato e ricco.
L'ho acquistato sia per il tenore Selmer Reference 54 che per l'alto Selmer SA80 serie II.
A parte il prezzo a mio avviso troppo elevato il prodotto funziona molto bene.
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google translate gb
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
I thought I was getting screwed
T0mmy B0! 31.03.2023
To be honest, I needed a silver plated screw for my selmer, and I couldn’t find one at all. It seems like they were all sold out around the world, so I broke down, and I bought this. To be honest, I never really put too much credence into the idea that a single screw around the neck would make any difference, particularly if your neck is fitted properly I’m not sure that it makes a world of difference to the audience, but to me, I could hear a difference. I did a/b this against another selmer screw that was made for the the horn and against another well-known Japanese manufacturer of aftermarket parts. Between the three I did think that the yanigasawa was slightly better. It was also significantly less expensive than the other Japanese aftermarket makers part. So, I am not going to tell people that this is a magical thing, but for me, I could tell the difference. Even though it was slight, it was apparent.
One last thing I would add, I did find a significant difference when you added the different tonal booster components to the screw. That surprised me more than anything. I did, from a practical perspective, like the size of it. It is very easy to clamp the screw down tightly without any issues.
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google translate de
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Ernie123 17.06.2021
Ich war zunächst skeptisch, ob eine solche Schraube einen klanglichen Unterschied machen kann. Das macht sie kaum und das ist auch gut so.
Wobei sie hilft: Töne sprechen auf meinen Instrumenten leichter an und lassen sich besser trennen. Ich kann dadurch schnelle Tonfolgen sauberer spielen. Die Töne in den hohen Lagen sind etwas runder, weniger spitz und leichter zu kontrollieren.
Braucht man diese Schraube? Nein
Funktioniert sie? Für mich und meine Instrumente: Ja und ich werde sie definitiv behalten.

Der Effekt ist aber auch durch Üben zu erreichen. Als Anfänger holt man z.B. mehr aus einem besseren Mundstück / Blatt heraus, als aus einer solchen Schraube. Sie ersetzt auch das Üben nicht.

Ich habe ein Yanagisawa Alt und ein Tenor. Auf dem Alt ist der Effekt für mich stärker.
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google translate fr
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
A éviter !!!
Dixi 03.05.2021
Cet accessoire est totalement bidon, il ne produit aucune amélioration, bien au contraire, il dégrade la qualité du son. . Donc à éviter, surtout que Thomann a refusé le retour et donc le remboursement ! Ce n'était pas précisé lors de l'achat sinon je ne me serais pas risqué à le commander. Il a donc fini à la poubelle et j'ai perdu une somme non négligeable ! Scandaleux !
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