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Don't spend money on expensive mouthpieces.
dreklord 22.07.2020
I bought this one for my cheap trumpet, and you literally can't feel the difference with a Bach that costs 60+ euro. Maybe a professional trumpet player will feel the difference, but I highly doubt that. After all, it's just a piece of metal which is turned by a highly accurate machine. Mouthpiece prices are all about the brand (and material)....
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Excellent value
MSlusher 04.11.2024
I have found the quality of this mouthpiece to be excellent, especially considering the price. The quality of the fit and finish, as well as the design of the mouthpiece is very nice. In comparing it with a comparable name brand mouthpiece (which is considerably more expensive), I cannot tell any difference in playability or sound. The only downside is that only a handful of c-cup sizes are available from this brand. There is not a large variety to choose from. But if the size you want is one of those available, this will work very well for you.