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qui puó vedere quali frequenze sono supportate da questo sistema wireless e i paeisi nei quali queste frequenze sono/saranno permesse per applicazioni wireless.
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Fantastic wireless system
Wolve30 15.03.2023
I bought the wireless unit to get more liberty on stage, and it really did it.
Sound quality is just as if I was wired, and in open areas I can easily be 60-80m from the receiver without problems, which is quite interesting when running a soundcheck.
The receiver is attached to my pedalboard, while the transmitter is attached to my strap, which is to me one of the weak point : Shure does not provide a secured attach for strap-mounting, but a couple of zip ties on top do the trick. Also, I encourage you to use a pair of rechargeable batteries to go into the transmitter rather than standard batteries, just for budget considerations
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
klonmik 09.10.2019
Thank you very much all there....amazing service and very fast delivery from Thomann's systems...the transmiter shure blx14s8 it prooves it self for the good words i heard and see good is with the mic Shure WB98 H/C... Thanks you