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Peter Hess phKSet- magic colour


Magic Colour Set

  • Singing bowl pictures for young and old
  • 1x Singing bowl 600 g - 800g + felt mallet + mottle dye set, 3 pieces + special paper.

This is how it works:

  • Fill your Magic Colour singing bowl with water!
  • Select two or three of your favourite colours!
  • Fill a few drops of each of your colours into the Magic Colour singing bowl!
  • The mottled colour floats on the surface of the water!
  • Strike your Magic Colour singing bowl a few times!
  • Carefully lay the paper on the surface of the water!
  • If you want, you can strike the Magic Colour singing bowl some more times!
  • Now take your picture out of the water - let it dry - and your magic colour picture is ready!
  • With the kind support of Almut Stühmeier!
In catalogo dal Luglio 2013
Numero di articolo 317961
Unità incluse 1 Pezzo
size Set
Type Magic Colour
Therapy Singing bowl No
€ 99
Spedizione gratuita, incl. IVA

Questo prodotto è disponibile e può essere spedito immediatamente.

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2 Recensioni

google translate de
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
In allen Punkten Top!
Tankred 05.11.2022
Klingt gut! Aber was richtig cool ist, sind die mitgegebenen Farben!
Damit lassen sich wahre Kunstwerke erschaffen, und das noch dazu von Kinderhand.
Die Tochter war selbst erstaunt, wie schön die Bilder werden, und so dauerte die 1. Session mit dieser Klangschale und dem dazugelieferten Farben Equipment fast 3 Stunden!!

Eine absolute Kaufempfehlung! :-)
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google translate pl
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Peter Hess phKSet- magic colour
toQbat 23.06.2021
Doskonałe wykonanie i brzmienie. Świetny wstęp do świata dźwięków i wibracji. Wizualizacja czyni ten proces prostszym i ma duży walor edukacyjny. Misa dostarcza wspaniałych wrażeń i oferuje doskonałą zabawę z dźwiękiem.
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