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CajonWith HCAJ1 Meinl has found a solution for both beginners and professional players. A sophisticated model, offering great appearance, numerous features such as sizzle effect, and has an affordable price
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Per chi predilige i suoni acustici non c'è miglior cosa del Meinl HCAJ1NT Cajon ha un suono pieno e corposo e offre al contempo molte possibili varianti sonore.
Il tutto ad un prezzo veramente ragionevole.
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Party piece
Anonimo 05.05.2015
I bought this for a bit of fun, but it's much more. It's a professional instrument and it sounds better now 3 years on. Anyone can play this baby and have a great time in doing so
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Meinl Cajon
Bernie M. 20.12.2013
Great for busking or acoustic sets. Large diversity of different tones available on it. More resonant than other Meinl Cajons I have played. With sturdy construction and a great sound this product is a sure fire winner
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Not surprising
Ben518 15.05.2013
Don't get me wrong, I like this product. But it is cheap and build quality and sound is scarified for the price. The interior wooden supports are not very well bonded and there is evidence of filler on the outside. It did the job for me, but it you want a better sound and longer lasting