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Good for the price, but not stackable!
vlunde 27.01.2020
Buildquality is fantastic for the price, however I'm puzzled why these don't have stackable ball corners on top... My main reason for buying these was to be able to stack them, as cable drums are impossible to stack on their own. To my disappointment this is not possible, and I can't find the exact same corners with stacking capability... Other than that, great product for the price.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Sturdy case
EgoV 14.02.2020
Sturdy case for the cable drum.
It is slightly bigger than than the advertised Millenium AV110.
Wich makes that the drum is loose inside the case... Not a big problem but might be better if when close the case everything whould be snugg