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Tom Tom Drum Head
Size: 10"
The Black Chrome Series influences the ultimate low-frequency bass sound
The two-layer combination of 7 mil clear ply on top and 7.5 mil black ply on the bottom is the reason for the accentuated mid-to-low power sound with extreme durability
A skin for the hardest drummers and the highest expectations
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ça claque
Boris Vik 05.07.2023
J'avais mis cette peau sur un jungle snare Sonor et ça déchire! ça claque! Super pour le Reggae.
J'ai préféré la changer néanmoins pour une bain d'huile pour amortir son son aigu. Tout dépend de ce qu'on veut entendre.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Great fat sound
Michael8641 25.05.2015
I bought this and a 14" as an upgrade for my Sonor jungle kit. Pleased to report that they gave me the fatter sound i was looking for over the heads provided as standard.