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Useful little module
Anonimo 30.03.2015
This offset generator can be used very well to attenuate control signals and add an offset to make the signal completely negative or positive (in case of LFO's).
It can be used to offset the pitch of two oscillators at the same time as a main pitch control.
Combined with a clock signal, syncable LFO, sample&hold and note quantizer, it is perfectly suited to quickly create musical patterns.
A down side is the lack of an extra control input for either input amplitude or a second offset input (though the latter can be done using the polarizing mixer and you'll have 3 extra inputs plus 1 offset! and the first could be done by an external vca).
The knobs still work fine after 1.5 years now :) Easy to turn, but not too easy to be accidentally moved by a wire or slight touch
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
an awesome performance control
Anonimo 23.10.2016
I added this to my system when I needed an offset control and found it had more features and more uses than expected. I suppose this is the nature of modular synthesis, that you can do the same thing in different ways and if you approch it with an open mind every module can be used for more than it's basic intention.
I often use this as a performance control for adding vibrato to oscillators. As there is a mini mult on the output the signal can be easily routed to two places (saving precious multiples for other signal in the patch). I particularly enjoy the polarising function as a performance control. Route an envelope through it and twiddle while a sequence plays ...I can waste hours doing that!
A utility that I think every system needs ...even if you don't think you do! And it only takes up 4HP. great