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So many positives and one negative
Glenn K 11.11.2021
This set is great sounding and long lasting. They settle much quicker than many other sets I have had in the past. Also, I find them easier to put in the guitar for some reason.The only negative thing with these strings is that the trebles are quite sensitive to temperature change. Overall, highly recommended.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Superb sounding strings
Brian449 02.06.2013
D'Addario EJ45TT nylon strings sound as good as any I have used, maybe better. The one caveat I have is that they are more sensitive to temperature changes than most other strings, going sharp as they warm up and flat when they cool. All nylon strings do this to a degree but EJ54TTs do it more. I may return to D'Addario Composites.