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Lo cubre todo. Si quieres tener una banda tributo a Queen empieza por aquí. Qué más puedo decir...
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B95295002 30.09.2012
Aparecen todos los instrumentos, de las canciones más importantes del grupo. Solos de guitarra clavados a los originales del disco. Coros, batería, bajo... Muy recomendable.
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good enough if you are a fan of queen.
Darryl 23.08.2013
A problem with this book is the arrangements. They are not true to the recordings. With the limited scope it took based on the Five piece band this was bound to happen. Lets face it Queen were the kings of mutlitracking. Bohiemian Rhapsosy is not going to sound accurate with just five singers if your lucky enough to have that many in your band. The book doesn't really have a good spread of well known songs 'I was born to love you' is not all that well known. The book is missing great tracks like 'Radio Ga Ga' and Don't Stop Me Now'.
However the book is good enough for you to get away with performing the songs that are well known enough that people will be to busy enjoying themselves rather than being critical because you didn't manage to multitrack live. Lets face it queen didn't even attempt that live. So long as you are playing in front of a load of Queen Fans who only care that you are playing something like the original song you should be fine. The arrangements are good enough for a five piece band.
My real concern is the song choices for the book are not great. Asking non queen fans to try and tell you about half the tracks in this book is like asking the average person to point to San Marino on a map. To call it the best of queen is a bit of a stretch of the imagination. Where is under pressure or I want to break free. It doesn't even have another one bites the dust. Which is one of the most played songs of all times and I believe one of their biggest hits to date. I'm not saying I don't enjoy the book but I'm a fan of everything they did even Hot space. Just think it's a bit pointless for guys and girls who want to play the best queen songs.
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Très bon livre de relevé
Pierre-o 09.07.2017
Les relevés complets (tous instruments et arrangements vocaux) de titres de Queen avec une sélection qui pioche dans les différentes périodes du groupe. Les parties de guitares et basse sont écrites en partitions et tablatures, le tout bien lisible et agréable à parcourir. Un très beau livre.