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Great for waves but expect a weird workflow
Paulsmitz 01.08.2020
This card is great for the waves effects, but makes your workflow a bit weird... and doesn't include the software that allows you to actually use it.
I now have to set the preamps in the setup page rather than on the channels
Would have been great to have 40 channels on this so that we could remap the auxes for inserts on the master channels and groups as well as the main channels
Can use waves plugins on your x32 mixer (THIS IS A MASSIVE WIN!!!)
Now works with studio rack
Can use 24 channels for the main inputs then route the auxes to the last few card slots for main and auxes
Can record and add effects from the PC at the same time
Need a licence for super rack or studio rack (its not included)
Need a waves server
Clock source is difficult to understand... use digital in super rack... use the other one for recording... use the card as master on the mixer... if you don't set it right then it will sound right on the mixer but recordings will be screwed.
Not enough channels go to the card
Weird workflow should be able to set inserts to the card directly rather than having to set the routing to card and having to go through the setup page for setting up the preamps.