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Lamentablemente hubo un error. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.
A bonny, a beauty, a joy forever
Rage Against the Markchine 30.05.2020
Excellent guitar. Neck feels amazing --- the compound radius is immediately noticeable over my previous 8-string (a Harley Benton). This makes the guitar extremely comfortable to hold and play. The way the fanned frets are staggered on this guitar makes it very easy to play --- they don't begin to get noticeably slanted until ~12th fret, where playing style tends to change anyway. The stock strings on this guitar (and all 8 string guitars) are garbage, far too thin and filmsy to make use of the long scale length. You should only use the stock set to test the guitar works then immediately swap them for something heavier (e.g. D'Addario XL).
Lamentablemente hubo un error. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.
BRA gitarr!
zteine 25.04.2021
En riktigt gedigen gitarr med härlig finish, rak och fin hals. Bra balans och inte alltför tung. Extremt lättspelad. Enda lilla minuset är mickarna som inte får maxbetyg plus att strängarna är aningen för tunna (iaf de tre grövsta)