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Lamentablemente hubo un error. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.
acceptable for its price
Gaetan H 03.08.2021
I like to have a lot of easy controls for testing or training. This one does it job well in this regard. However I wish the quality of some parts of it would be a bit higher like the unprotected small screen. The faders move smoothly.
It is very nice to have an IN and OUT DMX.
However, the DMX output/input and power input are sticking out. Which means that you need to account for an extra small or empty unit above the controller. Otherwise it would not fit in. Angle IEC power and DMX could work but at extra cost.
For the price it is acceptable.
Lamentablemente hubo un error. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.
Solidly built unit
DenisNT 01.02.2023
It’s always useful to have a small controller for testing and for small gigs. This is it.
It is very solidly built and also will fit into a 19 inch rack. The internal power supply means you have a sturdy IEC connector at the back, not the flimsy low voltage ones found on other units. The colour coded tops are another bonus, as is the ability to set it to any DMX start address. They seem to have thought of everything with this one.