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It protects the device like a cloth bag. Very well.
The The touch screen works well under the protector.
Not the most convenient, because the connectors are between the rubber strips (Good enough for a modular cloth bag).
It does not hold the device tightly, but good enough.
Zoom PCH-8 superb functions and quality : long term unsure
BarryTh 27.09.2023
I spent a LONG time looking at their, and others',alternatives. My main application is charity video work (unpaid). I also liked the possibility of interacting with my guitars. The latter is unexplored but the former has been really wonderful with top quality sound through the XY speakers and ability to sync with three cameras (via Resolve). Powering from batteries or a usb both great. We may also need additional mics in the future....covered! I use as SD card and cable rather than putting card into PC. Main reason is that I am very nervous the SD card cover hinges will break. I have seen this happen with another of their models. It all feels very plastic and I am not sure how long it will last. I bought a (very expensive) cover for it which works great but I am VERY careful how I handle it in the field. Happy to follow up along term: there are not enough of such reviews....