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Tung-Sol NN099-G Tube 12AX7/ECC803S



  • 12AX7 / ECC803G
  • Gold plated pins
  • Reissue Vintage Classic tube (NN099-G)
Fås siden September 2007
Artikelnummer 119944
salgsenhed 1 stk
Preamp Tube Yes
Power Amplifier No
Matched No
Number Of Tubes 1
357 kr
Inkl. moms. Obs! Yderligere fragtomkostninger 45 kr
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Afsendelse forventet torsdag, 16.01.

160 Kundebedømmelser

4.7 / 5

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68 Anmeldelser

God kvalitet til prisen
NielsTang 02.06.2017
Har brugt dem i en måned nu, i min Fender Bassman LTD. De lyder som de skal og nok også lidt bedre end standard groove tubes. Nemme at installere og bias justere. Kan anbefales.
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Turns lunch-boxes into roaring lions!
Rade V. 12.04.2016
This tube is definitely what you need if you're looking to slightly kill the harshness in the higher frequencies and expand the dynamic range of your amp at peaking volumes. Out of my experience, most amps come with some generic tubes that will get the job done - but once you want to cross into the territory of attempting high fidelity live or studio sound, they tend to disappoint when really pushed.

This is where the NN099-G comes in. It doesn't only slightly expand the scope of each of the gain stages - it also increases the response and sensitivity of your guitar's volume knob and on top of this, it also pushes the amp in a harder but more elegant way. In all the amps I've tested it in, and it's been quite some time of experimentation by now, it seemed to kill all the buzz/fizz that the amps would have at high volumes and on top of this, the responsive feel of the amp would be even greater. Imagine putting a clean boost in front of your amp of some 7-8 dB while also having an EQ somewhere in there that slightly cuts that overbearing presence most tube amps reach when both the volume and the gain knobs are pushed really high. What do you get? A sound in which the weight of your fretting and picking makes an even bigger difference but in which it's almost impossible to get an overload of any unpleasant frequencies at high volumes.

If you gig or record regularly and you're always trying to find that tone where the gain isn't quite Death Metal high, but the sound actually responds to even the lightest touch, and it's all in the realm of 100 dB or more when being played. Couldn't recommend it more for such use really, and will definitely be buying them again.
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A great tube
Anonym 25.12.2016
I replaced Chinese made E83CC V1 tube with this one in my amp and it made the amp more alive. Now it reacts much better to picking sensitivity and can clean up with no problem. Also no microphonic issues. Tonewise it's well balanced. I can recommend this tube !
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Sensitivity to the pick and left hand without noise or mush
Matt_S 06.04.2020
Incredible! OK, the old pre amp tubes were hissing, loosing volume, tone, and generally sounding dead, but these ones are better even than when the Harmonix ones were new.

Clarity, sensitivity, crunch, power. Finger tapping, picking, these tubes respond beautifully, with real chewy tone you can get your teeth into.

Makes you want to play even more, you get such a great vibe back off them!

Used in VK 212 with R100 mod.
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