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I use this singing bowl to experience meditation and massage on people. I found it very pure and bassy with the accurate frequency engaged with the seven chankras sound of the singing forks. This bowl will ease the pain and gentle the mind. 100% of my customer were very pleased with its sound and force me to do it more and more. My customer were very relaxing and joyful. I am happy to have this singing bowl.
Cons: it is a little big heavy to use with one hand for a long time. This is one of the technique I use for meditation.
I used this product with some live drone synthesis and recorded it (a bit challenging). There's only pros for me, the price is unbeatable, the quality is amazing (you'll think Aluminium isn't a good material'll change your mind). Maybe the only con, not really a con for me, it was badly finished round the top and a little dusty.
I purchased this 28 and the 32 as they really complement each other and for the price and depth of sound were an excellent addition to my other bowls . I would recommend definitely recommend them.
J'ai pris ce bol chantant de 28cm pour avoir un son plus grave que les plus petits et c'est bien le cas.
La feutrine du maillet est peut-être un peu fine, j'essaierai de la doubler pour éliminer les bruits de frottements.
La qualité est tout de même au top et l'instrument fait bien son office.