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good build quality
looks great in real life, not just photos
decent sound for what it is
good playability and feel
Fretwork is not great, if you try to bend a note you will hear the strings scratching against the fret. doesn't sound or feel good.
Head stock is too large for the guitar. makes it top heavy and compromises the otherwise great look of the guitar
Body is smaller than necessary, which compromises the projection and low end of the guitar. a slight increase in the body size would yield a worthwhile improvement
A well made guitalele, looks even better in reality than the photographs. It has a delicate but nicely balanced sound and is very tactile. Minor downside is the size of the headstock which is overly large for the body. The laser cut rose is an attractive feature as is the “barber pole” binding.
Overall decent quality for the price but change the strings as the ones supplied are not great.
Die Guitarlele sieht hammermäßig gut aus. Die Farbe ist deutlich dunkler, als auf dem Foto. Klingt bedingt durch die Rosette ein wenig wie eine Barockgitarre. Lässt sich prima spielen und ist super geeignet für Alte Musik. Kaufempfehlung. danke an Thomann für das Angebot, so ein ungewöhnliches Saiteninstrument im Angebot zu haben. Bitte das Modell baugleich auch größer als 3/4- oder 4/4-Gitarre anbieten. Kauf ich. Sofort.