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Strings for classical guitars will always be a very personal thing. These strings were perfect for MY taste on some (but not all) of MY guitars.
The intonation was spot on (unlike some other popular classical guitar strings I've tried...).
I find the extra tension on the bass strings to be perfect for my style of playing. The basses sound absolutely gorgeous, some of the best I've ever tried (although I think I may slightly prefer the tone of the regular 510AR set). The trebles are quite bright and snappy. I can imagine some people (and some guitars!) will find their bright character a bit too much and lacking in warmth but that's to be expected, we all have different taste.
These are excellent quality string but with classical guitar strings you won't really know until you try them on YOUR guitar for YOUR style of playing.
Perfect Sound but you should change them friquently.
I play a lot and after 1-2 weeks they need to be changed but if you change them 1-2 days before a concert the sound they will produce will be worth the money.
Superb Ona hanika classical guitar.. allow speedy shredding and lovely balanced tension feel and tone for my classical guitar pieces.. highly recommended