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Set consists of 3 x RBH595AW Rebound 5B Hickory Sticks with maple head and 1 x R5BFG Rebound 5B FireGrain Hickory Sticks with maple head
Length: 40.64 cm
Diameter: 1.51 cm
Rebound Balance Sticks have a shoulder length of 7.6 cm (3"). This places the centre of gravity closer to the back end of the stick, which creates more rebound.
Fås sidenSeptember 2021
salgsenhed1 stk
With Nylon HeadNo
TipAcorn Shaped
Length in mm406 mm
Handle Diameter in mm15,1 mm
Weight in g127,0 g
Vis varianter af dette produkt
Pro Mark 5B Reb. Hick.+ Firegrain Bonus
Pro Mark 5B Reb. Hick.+ Firegrain Bonus
Drumstick Set
* Set consists of 3 x RBH595AW Rebound 5B Hickory Sticks with mapl...
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I had used Promark for a long while, especially when I started playing drums again. But they kept breaking on me, at their worst they would last me for about 3 hours (or 3 sessions). I blamed this on my own playing because I was just starting up again. But then last April I bought myself a pair of Vic Firth sticks and guess what, they are still the same pair I'm playing with 8 months later...